Why I Donate to Greenways and You Can, Too.

Why I Donate to Greenways and You Can, Too.

Yes, I own Liberty Bicycles, Inc. with my husband Mike.  We were both raised with a strong work ethic and a desire to give back to our community.  Before we owned Liberty Bicycles, Mike and I were bike enthusiast.  We did a lot of bicycle touring.  We got into the...

7 Miles on Saturday

Local Group Hikes Current and Future Greenways Yes, that’s hiking, not walking. On January 14, 20 “hard core” Carolina Mountain Club hikers signed up to join something different from their typical rigorous hikes in on the mountain trails of our region. The...

Woodfin Greenway Project

Town of Woodfin Park and Greenway Bond   Woodfin residents will have the opportunity to vote on the Park and Greenway Bond on the November ballot. In recognition of the need for enhanced pedestrian and recreational access across the Town of Woodfin, the Board of...
Brewing for Greenways

Brewing for Greenways

Join us for the next Brewing for Greenways on Tuesday, November 15th at 5 p.m. at Wedge Brewing Company. ASHEVILLE, NC – November 4, 2016—Wedge Brewing and New Belgium Brewing have teamed up for a neighborhood brewing collaboration to benefit greenway non-profit,...
Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

As we enter the holiday season, I would like to share our gratitude to the community for making 2016 such a positive year for the greenway movement in Buncombe County. During the past year, our nonprofit initiated greenway walks, booths at local farmer’s...

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