Please join us for the Karen Cragnolin Park Greenway Dedication!

Inspired by Karen’s extraordinary vision of restoration, and shaped over years of planning, design, monitoring and construction—empowered through the generosity and support of many—not to mention decades of gentle remediation by some committed plants and low-profile microorganisms—the official opening of the Karen Cragnolin Park Greenway is finally at hand. Please join us for a dedication celebration at the park on Friday, August 25 from 4 to 6 pm for family-friendly activities and spoken words (at 5pm) to honor Karen’s tireless work for the French Broad. We’ll wrap with a celebratory adult beverage at Hi-Wire Brewery in the RAD, Walk or Drive,  with Connect Buncombe and our Brewing for Greenways initiative. More details to follow, but in the interim, cheers all the way around!

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