On December 1st eight Connect Buncombe board members along with Buncombe County Parks and Recreation staff members visited Jackson County to learn about county greenway plans and visit the first link of their Tuckaseegee River Greenway. Although only 1.2 miles long, this greenway has witnessed up to 20,000 visitors in a single month! It was built with County funds, a grant from the State’s Parks and Recreation Trust Fund and a grant from Duke Energy. Those of us from Buncombe County were inspired by the enthusiasm and support for greenways expressed by the Jackson County Manager and Parks and Recreation staff members. We left with feeling that if a county with a population of only 40,000 is willing to invest a significant portion of their county budget in greenway construction, Buncombe County, with our population of close to 250,000, should be able to do so as well. Cheers to making it all happen in 2018!

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